Monday, May 7, 2007

After a few days of cooling down in Hong Kong, I began my retirement years with a return to my home town of Newcastle in Australia. At first I was a little trepidatious about filling my time in a “worthwhile” way but on venturing under our house where were stacked the treasures acquired over a number of years, I found myself busy unearthing a lot of rubbish and some gems as well. Some furniture that has been lingering under the house for years has been sent to the restorer and some has been bid farewell.

A lot of my time was of course spent with my oldest and dearest friends. Kathy came up from Canberra for the weekend and of course I spent a lot of time with Tony, now busy with her new granddaughter, with my cousin Carol and my friends Jill and Owen. Most important of course was the chance to catch up again with my own family, Kate and Christopher. Within three weeks I had settled in so that by the time Jack came out for a flying visit (in time for Christopher’s birthday), I was ready to stay.

However Hong Kong was calling so in early March, I flew out again for a brief chance to touch base with Hong Kong friends. I went back to my old workplace to see everyone and was able to celebrate Don’s birthday with Jack and Lesley and of course him at (of course) Lucy’s restaurant. My last weekend was occupied by my IELTS testing (my only employment now) and the historic Hong Kong Sevens. This three day rugby tournament is a highlight of the expat HK community life and although I am not a rabid rugby fan (too many years of enforced involvement in my youth), I do enjoy the chance to see old friends and the general air of excitement.

I have been moving from place to place (with my base in Hong Kong) for a while now – 10 years in fact- but it never amazes more how hard I find it to say goodbye and yet how quickly I adjust to a new place.

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