Thursday, August 28, 2008

Return to Normal

Well since my time in hospital I have gradually returned to normal although for a couple of weeks I was a bit tired. Fortunately Clare and Ilan were here and able to take over the running of the household while Jack continued his backbreaking work on the roof. We managed to have a few outings to make the summer special for the children and to give everyone a break. The weather has been generally pretty good and so we were able to go swimming most afternoons. Abby has become quite a water baby but Elliot prefers to hover on the steps. We went to the Dordogne twice, once to Bergerac and the Chateau de Montbazillac and once to the Aquarium there. We had a few good meals in a few good restaurants but mostly ate at home where Ilan’s good cooking sustained us for a lot of the time. Of course we went to Bordeaux, a lovely city, once and to a couple of local activities and of course vide greniers where we made a few good purchases.

Our dear neighbours, Ray and Phyllis were here for the summer and our New Zealand friends Neil and Pauline had seven weeks although some of that was when I was in hospital. Our social circle is enlarging a little although mostly to include other English speakers,

Clare and Ilan cooked a special birthday dinner for me a little in advance. Sixty one seems a bit of a nothing age, but I guess it’s better than the other thing. Clare and Ilan and Abby, Elliott and Isaac have now returned to Valenciennes so our big house seems quieter and empty. It's been good to have time to spend with the little ones: I feel my relationship with them is more solid that before. They've all changed over the summer too. Abby is becoming a very responsible big sister, Elliot, a lovely, affectionate if very determined adventurer (except in the pool) and for Isaac, at 2 months, everyday is a major development for him as the world opens up for him. I will miss them all. Still there’s Christmas and next summer to look forward too. As well we will be off on our travels again soon and then back in Australia to our other life, a life where there are many happy moments too.

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