Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Locksmith

We had to replace the key to the back door because our friends who help with maintenance in our absence, haven't been able to get in. We were told there was a serrurier ( locksmith ) at the local hardware store. They, in turn, directed us to the village next to ours, where one could be located. You will have to go to his house, they advised parce qu'il  est sourd (deaf).

Spouse found said serrurier, (Francois) mowing his lawn but he agreed to come round later. Hearing impaired (or indeed destroyed), he may be but he spoke local dialect French very loudly and very rapidly and with much animation. I wasn't sure whether he would find me easier to understand when he read my French speaking lips than others find my  French speaking Australian  accent. Anyway, we all got by and he replaced the lock and we ordered 4 additional keys

I also asked him to look at our safe. This enormous and very heavy piece of solid iron, we purchased with the house. It had a quite complex and old fashioned set of locks and a key which rather unfortunately had disappeared years ago. To my disappointment, he confirmed that it was impractical to break into it. I guess it will just stay there, black and forlorn, in the pantry, locked, empty and useless, a relic of the  past of our house.

Today he sent an email saying the keys would be ready at 6 but Spouse forgot because two of our neighbours turned up to discuss some work we need done and stayed for an apero or two. One seemed to have had quite a few beforehand  as well.  At about 7 Spouse went around  and banged on the door and shouted but to no avail. Either Francois was locked inside in his silent world sheltering from the heat, or 6 pm was a definite appointment that we missed.

We'll send another email and try again tomorrow.


Earl Mark said...

I would contact another locksmith for a second opinion on opening that old vault in your house. I had a similar situation when I inherited a piece of property long ago. The safe was built into the home but the keys were gone. I was finally able to find a locksmith to help after the previous two said they couldn't. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Haha! It definitely sounds like all fun and games there (I suppose you have to think about it this way, or you’ll end up at the end of your tether!) I remember once I had a problem being locked out of my house, wasn’t as frustrating as your situation, but nice to know these things happen to us all!

Helene Raymond @ Trade Squad