Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tile Delivery

We had some tiles for the pool to be delivered today.  Spouse had paid the delivery cost of 88 euros and also paid for the tiles.  As our house is a bit difficult to find I was not surprised when the phone rang and a French voice announced he could not find the address.  Could I go up into the village and meet him so I could show him where to go.  “Bien Sûre .” 

Shoes in hand, I went downstairs and up the short drive to see a man standing next to an enormous truck. “ Bonjour” I said “Are you the man I was just talking to on the phone?” “Non,” he replied, “Is this your truck? It is blocking the road.” And yes, he couldn’t get through and neither could the lady in the car behind.

“It is a delivery for me,” I began, “ the truck driver is looking for me in the village to show him where to go.” 
“ I am going to call the Gendarmerie” said the man
“Ah bon? Pourquoi?”
“Because he is blocking the road”
I gave what I hoped was a Gallic shrug put on my shoes and plodded up the road to the village where I found the truckdriver. I reported the other’s intention to call the Gendarmerie.

“Is he French? “ said the truckdriver
“Mais oui “ said I
He gave an even better Gallic shrug as if to say what else could you expect.

He accompanied me back and moved the truck to allow the( now) three cars to pass. Our drive is narrow and has a turning .“Can your husband help me with the delivery, “he said.

“Probablement “ said I and went inside, leaving the rest to Spouse.

The one ton of tiles (dalles) was at the back of the truck and the mechanical device for lifting them was behind the dalles toward the front of the truck.

‘Do you have some strong men to help me lift the device over to help unload?” said the man. “Non” said Spouse,” Je suis seul”

“Well will you sign to say that they have been delivered?

“Non” said Spouse. “you haven’t delivered them."

The man with the truck went away with our tiles. We are hoping they will be delivered again next week.

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